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Solving Chainmail Jousting

Supplementary materials for “Solving Chainmail Jousting”, published in Computers and Games: International Conference, CG 2022, Virtual Event, November 22–24, 2022, Revised Selected Papers (Vol. 13865). Springer Nature.

Presentation for the Computers and Games 2022 conference.

Game Matrices: Spreadsheets that generate the win/loss payoff matrices for the game.

IEDS Software: Java code to perform IEDS (link to GitHub).

Input files to lrs solver:

Output files from lrs solver:

Win/Tie Rates: Comparisons between different Nash equilibria.

Meta-Game: Asymmetric game where Player A wants to maximize the chance of winning, while Player B wants to maximize not losing, using the win/tie rates analysis above.

Maximizing points variant: